Building an Age-Friendly Rhode Island
Elderly woman smiles while looking into camera lens

Research and Reports

Three Reports, One Objective

To successfully build an age-friendly community, it is vital to understand and anticipate the changes and challenges faced by Rhode Islanders residents' as they age. This work began in October 2014 with the formation of the Aging in Community Subcommittee of the Long Term Care Coordinating Council. This committee began gathering information about aging-related issues. The Final Report of the work, as well as the Executive Summary which outlines the research, focus group findings and interviews with key service providers offer a clear picture of where we are and we we are going. All of this data was the base for the Strategic Plan. A coalition of stakeholders is now working to implement the plan.

Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan summarizes the goals and objectives and describes the strategic actions needed to build an Age-Friendly Rhode Island.

This plan will be continually updated as the Age Friendly Rhode Island coalition progresses. View report.

Executive Summary Report

The Executive Summary Report provides a quick overview of the work of the Aging in Community Subcommittee of the Long Term Care Coordinating Council.

This report summarizes research on the needs of older Rhode Islanders, gaps in services, and recommended strategies to promote an Age-Friendly Rhode Island.

Recommendations are organized according to the World Health Organization's domains for an age friendly community. View report.

Full Report

The Full Report contains the complete findings of the Aging in Community Subcommittee of the Long Term Care Coordinating Council. This report includes a summary of ten focus groups conducted with older adults across the state of Rhode Island. The report includes a summary of gaps in services to assist older adults and research on best practices and details on the recommended strategies to promote an Age Friendly Rhode Island. View report.


Funding to support the focus groups was partially provided by the Rhode Island Division of Elderly Affairs, with funds from the Older Americans Act, to assist in the development of Rhode Island's State Plan on Aging and in part by grant from the Tufts Health Plan Foundation.